
Saturday, 16 April 2011

Meet Katie - our new arrival at work. She was born at about 1.30 am on Thursday morning, a week late but healthy and full of life. I was trying to upload a video of her but it didn't work, so I hope you enjoy the photo

The workshop progress has come to a halt as Neil is waiting for the wood delivery for the roof. He is now building the wood structure for the horse walker at work, which is another interesting bit of geometry so is causing him yet more brain ache!!!

During the week my friend Jane came over with her Mum Audrey who is visiting from Yorkshire. We had a few glasses of wine before she gave me an impromptu yorkshire pudding masterclass!!!


  1. Katie is cute, maybe I will get to see her soon :-) I need a lesson on yorshire puddings, no matter what I do they do not look like that!! Diane

  2. Katie is gorgeous Diane - and we still have four more foals to go!!
    The puds were delicious, but I doubt I will be able to repeat them, as Audrey guestimated all the ingredients. Guess when you are born and bred in Yorkshire it comes naturally!!

  3. Blast! And I was hoping for the definitive Yorkshire Pud recipe!
    Mine are sort of O.K....but they don't look like that!
    Katie is gorgeous....

  4. Not only do you need the definitive recipe but it seems you also need the correct recepticle for your Yorkshires.
    Audrey very kindly let me have two of her 'Fray Bentos' pie tins that are the right size for baking the puddings. Apparently though, if you were to try and purchase a Fray Bentos pie (and it's tin) these days you would be sorely disappointed as the quality of the tin is no longer acceptible to hold your pudding. Ho hum.

  5. Wow what a great yorkshire! Mine aren't so bad, but then again they're not that good!

  6. I gave up with Yorkshire puds years ago. But that didn't stop my mouth from watering when I saw the ones made for you, and didn't Nigella once eat one with ice cream as a dessert a few years ago. I seem to remember the droolling effect that had on me as well!


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