
Friday, 20 May 2011

Non-stop parties and too many late nights!- Becky

Well hello everybody, it's Becky, and I would just like to say how much fun I have had out here! It's been amazing possibly the best holiday i have had. The weather has been glorious and I have a lovely tan =).

I have been working hard with Jason. I moved logs with the quad and trailer but found it quite struggle to move some of them but as they were really heavy but I managed by myself okay.

The quad has been amazing. I love it ! I have riden on it by myself a couple of times then with my sister. I had her screaming in my ear when we went really fast! I went round the 'loop' with Tess. That was great fun.

I have loved it here as I have said earlier. It has been like my own little farm. Having had new members of the chicken family it has been lovely holding the little chicks they are sooo cute! I love horses and horse-riding and having two horses here to look after by myself has been great! I love grooming them and they are so good. I went out and rode Elles (I think thats how you spell it) she was really good and I am looking forward to going horse-riding again with Nicoline.

Tuesday night was an eventful night! With Jason putting on a red bikini and stripping to me having a couple of glasses of red wine to my dead grandad's birthday. It was a night I will never forget I have met so many lovely people there it was great. Lisa Vallo has sworn to be my best friend forever =). Yssi and Connor Vallo are also lovely and I am sure we'll be friends for a while too.

Monday night was at Margret and Keiths for a delicious BBQ! They have 2 gorgeous puppies called Belle and Badger! Chloe and I had quite a few cuddles. It was Chloe's first time holding an animal which she was very pleased about and will, I'm sure, never hesitate to do so again !! Margret's Quiche was delicious !! Best quiche I have ever had. Keith's pork chops, aka BB and Rasher, were also delicious.

Yesterday Jason and I went to the Supermarche and bought some lovely Beef burgers which were most enjoyed for dinner. Whilst also in the supermarche Jason showed me what he though was a skinned cat but also to find it was acctually a rabbit which i corrected him for! After that we went to look for the Tabac shop but first went to an amazing toilet! I know it sounds wierd but it was the wierdest coolest toilet I had ever seen. To having a cool way to wash your hands to a door locking it self and then when you open the door to go out the toilet flushes it self! Jase went to what he thought was a Tabac shop was actually a Lock smiths we then went round the corner to find the Tabac shop and Jase was very pleased with himself when he was asking for Cigarettes in french as his french im sure you can tell with the mistake of the skinned rabbit is not very good.

As I have said before this holiday here has been amazing and if you ever get stuck to where you want to go for your next holiday deffinately choose Limoges. The people are lovely and you will make lovely friends and also get a lovely tan! It has been an honour to look after Roz's animals and hope that I will get to be a vetenary surgeon when I leave school. Goodbye or should i say Aurevoir!

1 comment:

  1. Becky great to hear that all is well. I agree the weather has been fantastic but we do need rain it is sooooo dry.
    I worked for a vet for many years and was always sorry that I did not become onet. I hope your wish comes true. Work hard and I am sure it will. Take care. Diane


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