
Saturday, 24 April 2010

I don't believe it!

Well actually I do..... We hurriedly got the pool sorted yesterday as storms and a few days of rain were forcast.
This morning whilst letting the chickens out I noticed there wasn't even a dribble in the pool and came into the house to re-check the Meteo.
For weeks.


  1. Oh buggar indeed. Just caught up with your other post about your swimming pool being filled with rainwater, and hoped that your bit of expected rain would fall down here as well, and we did get a drizzle yesterday but not very much, and so now Meteo says we have lots of sunny days ahead. Buggar indeed! Means watering everything! But at least you didn't get rain falling into your loo through the open velux!

  2. Where does your rainwater from the roof usually go? Good idea to use it to fill the pool temporarilly and hot weather can often lead to storms. It'll only takes 15 minutes of downpour to fill the pool...maybe!

  3. Jan - down to the drain normally, but we took the downpipe off ages ago when I was knocking the render of the house and I haven't finished that job yet.
    If there is a downpour here we can fill a 300 litre water butt in no time - the pool however is 21,000 litres. May take a while!!

  4. Wont bother you with comments but did want to let you know I do enjoy reading your blog as you redo the homestead and of the animals

  5. No, thank you for your comment Sheryl - it is lovely to hear that people enjoy the blog and nice to hear from its readers xx

  6. We brought the pool back into service yesterday. We had to eveict seven toads and two frogs before turning the skimmers on. The kids insisted on swimming (15°C) before it was properly cleaned, but none of them appear to have caught typhoid, so I suppose the water must be safe.

  7. Jon - Your kids are tough, good on them!! Mind you as a child I used to swim in our local river the Usk in the Brecon Beacons. It was bloody freezing - only until you went numb though, and I have very fond memories of that time so it can't have scarred me for life!

  8. Hi, just to say I enjoy your blog! It strikes a chord - we're just finishing up renovations on our two now ex-hovels in Creuse, a bit up north from you. We have assorted animals too, in ever-growing quantities! Good luck with your project and your new lives over here.
    Yours in blogging and living the dream (although it sometimes doesn't seem like it in the midst of plasterboard and paint)

  9. Thanks Stephanie, that's really kind. I'm very envious of your nearly finished renovation but glad to hear the end does come eventually, but I imagine that you are never stuck for something to do with this kind of lifestyle!!


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